Saturday, October 17, 2009

Create Your Health

You can watch episodes about the many choices you have for healing your life - body, mind, spirit. They have a growing library

with everything from cutting edge Western medicine to holistic healing practices and indigenous medicinal arts.

Monday, March 30, 2009

How to Win an Asian Woman’s Heart

How to Win an Asian Woman's Heart

Man usually find ways to seduce a girl yet it is sometimes too awkward to immediately express your urge towards one woman who is very descent and conservative like many women living in Asia. Asian women are mostly sensitive and conservative. Some of them are still treasuring their cultures and still practicing their tradition, Virginity is very important for it symbolizes your purity before Christ. So to all the guys who are very interested in winning a woman's Heart Here are some tips:

1) Be yourself:

You don't actually need to please a woman by pretending and offering her gifts. Asian woman are actually pleased by guys who have a sense of humor and tends to show who they really are. Girls don't usually believe at love at first sight you really have to work hard to show your sincerity. You have to be genuine and be confident with what you have and what you are, anyway girls will still love you no matter what. :

2) Patience is Virtue:

Patience is very important in winning a woman's heart. Courting I one way to show your Sincerity and woman usually tend to make a guy wait to measure if the guy is really serious . You can offer gifts like roses and chocolates if you want but it is not a guarantee that you would have her. Letters are far more powerful than material gifts, just express what you feel and the rest will follow. :

3) Be Respectful:

Treat woman as a woman in your life... not as a decoration or as an attachment for something else... Show her how much you mean to her, that you won't live without her. Try to Respect her family and befriend her friends. :

4) Be a man:

Don't make promises if you don't mean it. Asian woman tends to give their all to their man they love the most so don't try to mess with their heart or else you will lose the most precious treasure you can have. If you promise to love her forever then do it. :

To highlight how effectively this works, look at this effective and proven guide in dating asian women.